I can only think that it is good to be ill so quickly after arriving because it will help me build a stronger Indian constitution. I spent the night being violently sick and the small hours losing whatever was left the other way. I was so thirsty it was awful because I threw up everything I tried to drink. By 9am I was sucking haribo to try and get sugar inisde me and I have been in bed all day. A very kind fellow traveller brought me bananas and Guava juice which I have now managed to keep down so this afternoon its all feeling much better.
Over 2300 people are added to Delhi's streets everyday, and with a population equivalent to 21% of the UK's total population, its no wonder that this mega city is a breeding ground for super-strong bugs. So yes, this must be good for me, depite feelng awful and the non-stop noise and pollution pervading every orrifice, this is actually a great opportunity for my immune system ...lucky me!!
shame about the belly Delly Glad your better now!