Hot, tired, confined and ever so slightly grumpy in my sleeper bus compartment |
Oh and did I say confined ...or GREY for that matter ..I'm shocked! |
Once the sight I am in town to see has been hastily photographed, I retreat beneath a fan somewhere with wifi (a Rajathani bonus), dreaming of icy chicku1 milkshake as I force down one of the 4 bottles of water I am consuming a day …interestingly I don’t visit the bathroom any more regularly than when I was on 2-3 bottles a day so I am effectively sweating more than a litre daily. A lot of the sweat that I notice comes from really unusual places such as elbow pits. If I open my toes, I can feel the inter-toe sweat evaporate as the fan whirls and every plastic chair I sit upon induces prolific back sweat. Should even a finger of unclothed skin touch unclothed skin, moisture blooms. Facial sweat is about the same as when it was ordinarily hot although top lip sweat does seem to have increased.
All of these factors have led me to sign up for another
Vipassana course, smack bang in the middle of this roasting state. Not only will it alleviate my burgeoning
boredom with the tourist scene, it will refocus me on what matters, the many
personal insights I have gained, and re-instill some (rather too much) self discipline
and routine before I return. As well as
deserving a medal when I achieve another solitary 10 days inside my mind, I
will treat myself to spending my last 3 nights back in Hotel Kumbha
Palace, Udaipur before flying back to Mumbai to maximise my 40Kg baggage
allowance and catch the flight home.
I will be entirely out of contact from 14th to 24th
May and if anyone wants to know what this is all about, go back to my January
posts and read The pain of Vipassana
followed by The Pleasures of Vipassana. My ten days in May will be very similar,
however, as an “Old Student” I will spend more time in my pagoda cell and will
not get the little evening snack that the New Students receive …good for weight
loss I-know-not-what for the mind!
1 Chicku is a fresh fig-like fruit. It peels like a kiwi, tastes of fruity
caramel and has the texture of pair. I
ate a lot of Chicku until I got to Rajasthan where they unfortunately don’t
seem to be in season.
I'll miss you on May Day tomorrow and can't wait to see you on the other side of your 'retreat marathon'. The plastic chair/sweat scenario reminded me or our VERY low budget trip to Egypt in August when I made the mistake of wearing silk trousers and having to waft them dry after sitting on said plastic chairs to evaporate the large, dodgy looking wet patch! Take care x