Sunday, 1 January 2012

Stormy New Year

Its the dead of the cool dry season, I am in Orccha, Madhya Pradesh, Central India, which is not known for its cold snaps, thunderstorms or torrential rain at this time of year. We had to move our party indoors last night, I slept in ear plugs to block the thunder claps, stowed valuables in dry bags and the streets have run like rivers all day.

...may as well have stayed in Wales for the weather but I at least found Indian wine and some lovely company for the evening.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year sweetheart
    Sounds like you had a good party - Wales would hav ebeen lovely if you were here! varanasi photos great and love your poems- keep posting (Camera looks like it is doing a good job) miss you so much but look forward to our New Year on your return , love you loads and wish you were here with me. Thinking of you always Travel on !! xxxxx


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