Thursday 12 April 2012

I want to ride my bicycle (Fat bottomed girl)

It has been a lesson to observe in myself the inverse relationship between loving what is inside and loathing what is outside because nourishing my soul has been at the expense of my body.  After being ill for much of month one, my tiny jeans were too big even with a full money belt stuffed down them.  Although I loved the feeling of liking my thighs, I took the opportunity it presented and indulged in lemon tart, pizza and other treats …you may recall a post entitled “bring on the calories” which I wrote with gay-abandon!  By the time I reached Tamil Nadu and its heavenly wheat-free cuisine, I threw caution to the wind and just ate, discovering Indian sweets en route which probably have triple the calorific value of cup cakes which I wouldn’t dream of eating at home.  Then I squeezed into my bikini (rather ashamedly) and hit the beaches and their fabulous restaurants (Abba, Pande, Cierans mmm) throwing in a few G&Ts as I went.  Inland I was generally sick but regrettably not sick enough to achieve sitting position in those jeans!  At Brahmavidya Mandir things settled down, I regained control and found perfect harmony between body and mind.  Then glorious Diu burst upon the scene with its 1950s ice cream parlour, Josephine’s all you can eat and its cheap beer which has left me looking much like I did after my first year at University …where coincidentally I survived largely on samosa, curry and beer (albeit much more beer than I drank in Diu!). 

Surely we are allowed to find equilibrium between mind and body without being a nun or the wrong end of your healthy weight band?  This is a country where every delicious dish and drink (except for the illusive and risky salad) is fat or sugar based or worse still …both!  In mitigation I recently discovered that I can say “enough ghee” in Hindi when pointing out what I would like from a menu, this does result in slightly less oily veg dishes.  In addition; I never eat all of the rice, am not eating meat, obviously don’t touch chapatti and have elected that one meal per day must only consist of fruit.  It’s too hot to exercise here now and my control-measures don’t seem to shed a single pound perhaps because I often believe that they earn me a mid-afternoon ice cream.  Its six and a half weeks now until this fat bottomed girl can get on her bike and ride …and she truly hopes that when she does, she will only be losing from the outside!

Photos courtesy of Danny


  1. Well Im very happy at the thought of you coming home looking less skinny than you went. Its that little face of yours, it tends to disappear. You've always loved food sweetiepie so am vey happy that you're going for it.
    Love you xxx

  2. Well I am very happy at the thought of you returning less skinny than you left. Its that little face of yours, it tends to disappear, You've always loved food sweetiepie, so am very happy that you're going for it.
    Love and hugs.xxxxx


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